Thursday, June 23, 2016

Happy 103rd Birthday Nana!! That's Bonnie (Pauline Frances) Bannon to most everyone else.

I think I acquired all of these photos about the same time. I recall thinking it strange that they were all (I think they were?) from "The Great Ziegfeld". I think they mostly came from the same auction house too. In the period looking photo, Bonnie actually got her name listed (along with the other gals) on the back. I will apologize in advance, as these were not scanned, but I took these with my 2 year old smartphone..... better than nothing, right?
Giving the Gals a little credit.

I think this is the part where I promise to spend more time on this blog, and upload more of the photos and newspaper articles that Bonnie had the foresight to save. Well, I have a year to make good on what I hope to do.

Feel free to email this blog with questions or comments, because I know that good folks like you are taking the time to visit.

Good night, from Tehachapi, California.
Bonnie Bannon, far left.

Bonnie Bannon, far left again
Bonnie Bannon, 5th from right.

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